Does Lack of Sleep Cause Weight Gain or Weight Loss

Does Lack of Sleep Cause Weight Gain or Weight Loss

Does excessive or lack of sleep make you thin or fat? You may be exercising well and eating healthy. Intermittent fasting, Zumba or gym are some of the best ways to lose weight. But, how about checking if you’re following a balanced sleep schedule? Maybe not all...
Which Mattress Is Good Depending On Your Sleeping Position?

Which Mattress Is Good Depending On Your Sleeping Position?

Do you ever think about how your mattress feels while sleeping? Did you know that your sleeping position plays a vital role while selecting the right mattress for yourself? Yes, we know there are other factors considered while purchasing a mattress. Some go for...
9 Essential Benefits of Using a Mattress Protector

9 Essential Benefits of Using a Mattress Protector

An average human should get at least 8-10 recommended hours of sleep to wake up rejuvenated, ready to take on the world and have a productive day. That is 8-10 hours you spend on a mattress, sleeping without a care. Generally, a mattress may go through accidental food...
6 Daunting Ways Poor Sleep Habits Can Affect Your Mental Health

6 Daunting Ways Poor Sleep Habits Can Affect Your Mental Health

According to BankmyCell’s statistics, around 83.72% of the world’s population owns a smartphone. With this in mind, let us ask you a question. How often do you have to charge your smartphone? Or any electronic device that you use daily. The device will...
How To Sleep Better With Allergies: 7+ Smart Strategies

How To Sleep Better With Allergies: 7+ Smart Strategies

A runny nose, itchy eyes, constant sneezing; allergies like these can keep you up all night. This interruption in sleep can further lead to many complications concerning your health and productivity. Therefore, if you suffer from allergies that affect your sleep,...